When selling your home, there can be a lot of unexpected fees. These fees can cut into the overall profit you are making on the sale. Therefore, it is good to avoid such fees by finding alternative selling methods like selling to a cash home buying company.
What is a Commission?
A commission is a percentage or cut taken out of the profit made on a commercial transaction and paid to a third party. The third party is typically a professional who has aided the transaction in some way. The third party could be hired by the buyer, or the seller, or may work by mediating between both sides.
Commission Fees in Traditional Selling Methods
In traditional home-selling methods, the third party that is usually involved is a realtor or real estate agent. Realtors guide and manage communication between a seller and multiple buyers. Other responsibilities of realtors include showing and marketing a home and advising sellers when there are multiple offers from different buyers. Because realtors are so involved in the selling process when using traditional home-selling methods, they take a large cut or commission fee out of the total profit.
No Commission Fee When Selling to a Cash Homebuying Company
If you choose to sell to a cash home buying company, you probably won’t have to hire a realtor. The process when selling to a cash home buying company is very simple and quick, so you don’t need to hire anyone to help you understand the process or manage the selling. Since you won’t be hiring a realtor, you won’t need to pay any commission fees. This means that by selling to a cash home buying company, you will not only make a great profit on your home but also save money in the selling process.
By avoiding commission fees, whatever offer price the cash home buying company gives you will be entirely yours. In as little as a few days or weeks after closing on a deal with a cash home buying company, the offer money will be transferred to your account in full. You can use that money immediately to pay for a new property, invest in different stocks, or save up for future purchases and needs.
To see how easy it is to sell to a cash home buying company and how many fees you can avoid, reach out to We Buy Houses Florida Panhandle here today.